Chapter 3 Building a Process Hierarchy Diagram

Moving processes inside a process hierarchy diagram

Moving processes in the diagram

You can move processes inside a process hierarchy diagram using the drag and drop feature. Depending on the drop position, the cursor changes accordingly:

Drop position Cursor Result
On a process
Selection is moved under the process which automatically becomes decomposed if need be
Outside a process
Symbols of the selection are displayed in the diagram as a new hierarchy. Objects themselves are not moved

Note   Move to Top-Level
You cannot extract a process from its hierarchy unless you use the Move to Top-Level command in the contextual menu of a process or sub-process symbol for it to become a new root process with its own hierarchy.

Moving processes in the Browser

You can move processes in the Browser using the drag and drop feature. Whenever you move processes within the Browser, the selection is automatically moved under the new drop position.

Arrange symbols in hierarchies

In case of overlapping symbols, you can use one of the following commands:


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