Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to build an analysis Business Process Model (BPM). It explains the role of each object in an analysis BPM diagram and how to create and modify them.

Object visibility in model

When you change the process language of a model, you may see new objects appear or disappear in your model. Some objects are hidden in some target process languages in order to simplify the interface of your model (for example business rules) or because they simply do not make sense in your model (for example data in the executable BPM). Besides, the corresponding tool (if any) in the Palette is unavailable. The object visibility is defined in the Profile category of the process language or extended model definition attached to the model. For more information, see the "Excluding a metaclass from a model" section in the "Managing Profiles" chapter, in the Advanced User Documentation.


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