Chapter 5 Building Dynamic Diagrams

Organization unit property sheet General tab

The General Tab contains the following properties:

Property Description
Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for generating code or scripts.
Comment Descriptive comment for the organization unit
Stereotype Extends the semantics of the object beyond the core UML definition. The following standard stereotypes are available by default:

  • Role – a role a user plays
  • User
  • Group – a group of users
  • Company
  • Organization – an organization as a whole
  • Division - a division in a global structure
  • Service - a service in a global structure
Parent organization Specifies another organization unit as the parent to this one.

Each time an organization unit is selected in this box, it becomes the parent of another organization unit, the latter becoming the child. For example, you may want to describe an organizational hierarchy between a department Dpt1 and a department manager DptMgr1 with DptMgr1 as parent organization of Dpt1.

The relationship between parent and child organization units is also displayed in the Dependencies tab from the property sheet of the child organization unit.


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