Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Formatting a graph

You can apply zoom options and frame options to graphs.

The following zoom options are available for graphs:

Format Option What it does
Fit to Page Centered Centers the graph on a page and, if necessary, reduces the graph to fit on one page
  As Paragraph Prints the graph on the next line in the report and, if necessary, reduces the graph to fit on one page
Custom Zoom Prints the graph on the number of pages required at a percentage print scale
Keep Diagram Layout Respects the diagram layout and adapts the zoom to generate one page of the diagram per report page

You can also frame a graph using the Left, Right, Top and Bottom frame options in the Graph Format dialog box.

For more information about how to frame a graph, see the "Selecting border format" section.

Steps To format a graph:

  1. Double-click a Graph item in the Report Items pane.

    The Graph Format dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select graph format options.
  3. Click OK.


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