Chapter 4 Managing a Report

Modifying the title of an item

You can associate title text with items in your report. The title prints above the item that follows in the Report Items pane. A title contains free text.

Package, object, and object-dependent items have default titles that incorporate variable information.

The following table summarizes the different types of items to which you can associate title text:

Item type Default title Variable syntax
Title None
Package Package name %ITEM%
Object Object name %ITEM%
Object-dependent Object name %ITEM%


You can insert Title items anywhere in the Report Items pane and as often as you want. These are independent items that you can use to organize a report into chapters.

You can modify the title of an item using the Editor dialog box. The default editor is NOTEPAD.EXE

The title of package, object, and object-dependent items can include the following variables available from the Insert list:

Modify default titles using a report language

You can modify the default title of an item using a report language. To do so, you should create a copy of the report language you are currently using and modify item titles in the Report Titles folder of the Report Language Editor.

You can also modify the default title of a column in a table using a report language. In this case, you have to perform the title change in the Object Attributes folder of the language editor.

Steps To modify the title of an item:

  1. Right-click an item in the Report Items pane and select Edit Title.

    The Editor dialog box opens and displays the current title text.
  2. Type changes to the title text.

    The User-Defined check box is automatically selected, as you are no longer using the default values of the report language resource file you selected for you report.
  3. (optional) Clear the Show Title check box if you do not want to show the title of the item in the previewed or generated report.

    For more information about the Show Title check box, see the "Removing the title of an item" section.
  4. Place the cursor in the text where you want to insert variable information for object name or package name.
  5. Click the Insert button.
  6. Select a field in the list.
  7. (Optional) Click the Format button.

    The format dialog box opens to the Font tab.
  8. Select format options.
  9. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

    The first line of the title is displayed next to the item in the Report Items pane.

    Note   User-Defined check box
    When you type changes in the edit box, the User-Defined check box is automatically selected as you are no longer using the default values used in the report language resource file you selected for your report. To revert to the default value, clear the User-Defined check box. For more information about report language resource files, see the "Using the Report Language Editor" chapter.


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