Chapter 5 Using MS Word with a requirements model

Creating an MS Word document from a requirements model

In a requirements document view, you can write the title and description of requirements using the rich edit text features. To improve the layout and readability of a requirements model, you can transform it into an MS Word document.

You can also create an MS Word document from a package containing at least one requirement.

The following procedure assumes you have a requirements model open in the workspace. MS Word can be open or closed.

Steps To create an MS Word document from a requirements model:

  1. In the Browser tree view, right-click the model name and select Export as Word Document in the contextual menu.


    In the menu bar, select Tools→Export as Word Document.

    If the requirements model has not been saved yet, the Save As dialog box appears. Select a directory in the Save in dropdown listbox, type a name in the File name box, select Requirements Model (xml) (*.rqm) in the Save as type dropdown listbox, and click Save.

    The New dialog box appears.
  2. In the General page, select Blank Document and Document in the Create New box.


    Select a template icon (.dot) and Document in the Create New box. You might want to use a template for predefined heading styles based on MS Word heading styles.
  3. Click OK.

    MS Word opens with a blank document, and the Save As dialog box appears.
  4. Select a directory in the Save in dropdown listbox, type a name in the File name box, and select Word Document (*.doc) in the Save as type dropdown listbox.
  5. Click Save.

    The requirements appear progressively in the MS Word document. Only full descriptions (titles and descriptions) are exported.

    Extract of an MS Word document created from a requirements model:

    The requirements model and the MS Word document are automatically linked. The document sections (titles and texts) appear between requirement tags ([PDRQM]...[/PDRQM]), and the MS Word file is attached to the model in the Browser:

Note: If you export a package, the MS Word file is attached to the package in the Browser.


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