Generating Web Services for Sybase WorkSpace

You define a Web service from the component diagram or using the Web service wizard from the class diagram. You use the OOM to design the Web service implementation using the implementation class, however this implementation may be partial and you may need to use a web service editor to complement the Web service implementation.

The Sybase WorkSpace infrastructure is intended to enable customers to develop, test and deploy services in a development environment.

PowerDesigner allows you to generate two types of Web services supported in Sybase WorkSpace:

When you generate these Web services for Sybase WorkSpace, you can use the WorkSpace utilities to fine-tune the implementation of the service.

You can design your Web services using the PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin that runs in the WorkSpace environment or you can use a standard PowerDesigner license, then deploy in the Sybase WorkSpace environment.

For more information on the PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin see the Working with the Eclipse Plug-in manual.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: