Working with Web Services

A Web service is a service offered via the web. The principle on which a Web service works is the following: a business application sends a request to a service at a given URL address. The request can use the SOAP protocol over HTTP. The service receives the request, processes it, and returns a response. An example that is most commonly used for a Web service is a stock quote service in which the request asks for the price of a specific stock and the response gives the stock price.

In an OOM, you design a Web service as a component (EJB, servlet, or standard component) that includes a Web service implementation class.

When you work with Web services in an OOM, you use the class, component and deployment diagrams. They allow you to do the following:

What Do You Need to Work with Web Services?

You need a Java, C# or Visual Basic .NET compiler.

For Java, you also need a WSDL-to-Java and a Java-to-WSDL tool to generate Java proxy code and JAX-RPC compliant server side code. The WSDL-to-Java and Java-to-WSDL tools are used by the extended model definition named 'WSDL for Java'. For example, the WSDP (Web Service Developer Pack) provides a XRPCC tool, Apache AXIS provides a wsdl2java and a java2wsdl tool.

The WSDP and the appropriate SDK can be downloaded from the Sun Java Development Site:

Apache AXIS can be downloaded from:

To generate client proxy code for .NET, you will need to use the WSDL.exe included in Visual Studio .NET and declare the path to the WSDL.exe in the General Options dialog box ( Tools > General Options ) when you create the WSDL environment variables.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: