Defining Web Service Component Instances

The deployment diagram is used with Web services to model the Web services deployment. This diagram is useful if you want to deploy a Web service into one or several servers, and if you want to know which Web service is deployed where, as deployment diagrams can display network addresses, access endpoints and access types.

A component instance defines the ports, the access type, and the access endpoint that is the full URL to invoke the Web service.

When the Web Service check box is selected in the property sheet of the component instance, it means that the component instance is an instance of a Web service component. A component instance that inherits from a component inherits its type: the type of the component is displayed in the property sheet of the component instance.

When the Web Service check box is selected, a Web Service tab and a WSDL tab automatically appear in the property sheet of the component instance.

For more information on the deployment diagram, see Building Implementation Diagrams.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: