Web Service Tab of the Component Instance

The Web Service tab in the property sheet of the component instance includes the following properties:



Access point URL

Displays the full URL to invoke the Web service. It is a calculated value that uses the network address located in the node. You can also type your own URL by using the User-Defined tool to the right of the box. Once clicked, the URL can be overridden


Indicates where the WSDL should be published on the web. You can type your own URL by using the User-Defined tool to the right of the box. Once clicked, the URL can be overridden

Use external WSDL

Indicates that the WSDL is published at a specific URL

When a WSDL is not user-defined, it is regenerated each time and can be displayed in the Preview tab of the component instance property sheet. An external WSDL has a user-defined WSDL text.

Access Point URL Examples

Here are some examples of the syntax used in .NET and Java:

For .NET, the default syntax is:


For example: http://doc.sybase.com:8080/WebService1/StockQuote.asmx.

For Java, the default syntax is:


For example: http://doc.sybase.com/WebService1/StockQuote.

Computed attributes AccessType and PortNumber for code generator & VBScript are computed from the access point URL. For example: http, https.

WSDL URL Examples

For .NET, the default syntax is:


For Java, the default syntax is:


Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com