Replication Server lets you share function-string definitions between function-string classes by creating relationships between classes using a mechanism called function-string inheritance.
The system-provided classes rs_default_function_class and rs_db2_function_class can serve as parent classes for derived classes that inherit function strings from the parent class. You can create a derived class in order to customize certain function strings for your data server while retaining all other function strings from the parent class.
Use the create function string class command to create a derived class from the parent class rs_default_class or rs_db2_function_class that inherits from the parent class. Create customized function strings only as needed.
rs_db2_function_class does
not support replication of text or image data. To
enable replication of text or image data
for DB2 databases, you must customize the rs_writetext function
string using the RPC method through a gateway. Refer to “Creating distinct function-string classes” for information
about rs_writetext.
Refer to Chapter 2, “Customizing Database Operations,” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for a detailed discussion of function-string inheritance.