The Replication Server managing a database requires a function-string class. Replication Server provides function-string classes for Adaptive Server, and with its heterogeneous datatype support (HDS) feature, Replication Server version 12 provides function-string classes for DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle data servers.
If you are replicating to a non-Sybase data server that is not supported by the HDS feature, you must create a function-string class for that data server. You can either:
Create a function-string class that inherits function strings from a system-provided class, or
Create all the function strings yourself.
Replication Server sends the gateway a command that it constructs by mapping runtime values into the function string supplied for the function. Depending on how the function string is written and the requirements of the data server, your gateway can pass the command directly to the data server or process it in some way before it sends the request to the data server.
Refer to Chapter 2, “Customizing Database Operations,” in the Replication Server Administration Guide Volume 2 for a list of Replication Server system functions that your database gateway may need to process.