The redistributed corporate rollup is the same as the corporate rollup model, except that the consolidated table is redistributed back to the remote sites.
Primary fragments distributed at remote sites are rolled up into a consolidated table at a central site. At the site where the fragments are consolidated, RepAgent processes the consolidated table as if it were primary data.
The consolidated table is described with a replication definition. Other sites can create subscriptions for this table.
Normally, RepAgent for Adaptive Server filters out updates made by the maintenance user. This ensures that replicated data is not redistributed as primary data.
The RepAgent send_maint_xacts_to_replicate option is provided for the redistributed corporate rollup model. If you start RepAgent with send_maint_xacts_to_replicate set to “true,” RepAgent submits all updates to the Replication Server as if they were made by a client application.
If you use the redistributed corporate rollup model:
Do not allow primary sites to resubscribe to their primary data. If they do, transactions could loop endlessly through the system.
Do not allow applications to update the corporate rollup table. All updates should originate from the primary sites.
Figure 3-7 illustrates the flow of data in an application based on the Redistributed corporate rollup model.
Figure 3-7: Redistributed corporate rollup with distributed fragments
The design of the redistributed corporate rollup model is identical to the corporate rollup model, except that:
RepAgent must be installed at the headquarters site for the DBHQ database. RepAgent must be started with the send_maint_xacts_to_replicate option set so that it will transfer log records from the maintenance user.
RepAgent is required for the RSHQ RSSD, since data will be distributed from that site.
A replication definition must be created for the salesdetail table at the headquarters site. Other sites can create subscriptions to this replication definition, but the primary sites must not subscribe to their own primary data.
The RSHQ Replication Server must have routes to the other sites that create subscriptions for the consolidated replicate table. If the primary sites create subscriptions, routes must be created to them from RSHQ.