Tape handling options

The tape handling options, which appear in the with clause, apply to all devices used for the dump or load. They include:

Table 12-16 shows the syntax for tape handling options.

Table 12-16: Tape handling options

Backing up a database or log

Loading a database or log

dump {database | tran} database_name  to [compress::[compression_level::]]    stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name]  [stripe on   [compress::[compression_level::]]    stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name] ...]  [with{    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    compression = compress_level,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name,

load {database | tran} database_name  from [compress::]stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    dumpvolume = volume_name    file = file_name]    [compress::]stripe_device    [at backup_server_name]    [density = density,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name] ...]  [with{    density = density,    compression,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name,

Tape handling options

   [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],    retaindays = number_days,    [noinit | init],

   nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],

   passwd = password,    standby_access}    [notify = {client |       operator_console}]]

   passwd = password,    [notify = {client |       operator_console}]