Dump and load command syntax

The dump database, dump transaction, load database, and load transaction commands have parallel syntax. Routine dumps and loads require the name of a database and at least one dump device. The commands can also include the following options:

NoteWhen a user database is dumped, its database options are not dumped because they are stored in the sysdatabases table of the master databases. This is not a problem if you load a previously dumped database onto itself because rows in sysdatabases describing this database still exist in master. However, if you drop the database before you perform the load database, or if you load the database dump on a new server, these database options are not restored. To restore the image of a user database, you must also re-create the database options.

Table 12-1 shows the syntax for routine database and log dumps, and for dumping the log after a device failure. It indicates what type of information is provided by each part of the dump database or dump transaction statement.

Table 12-1: Syntax for routine dumps and log dumps after device failure

Information provided

Routine database or log dump

Log dump after data segment device failure


dump {database | transaction}

dump tran[saction]

Database name



Compression to a local file (supported for backward compatibility)

 to   [compress::[compression_level::]]

 to   [compress::[compression_level::]]

Dump device



Remote Backup Server

  [at backup_server_name]

  [at backup_server_name]

Tape device characteristics

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,

Volume name for single device

   dumpvolume = volume_name

   dumpvolume = volume_name

File name for single device

   file = file_name]

   file = file_name]

Characteristics of additional devices (up to 31 devices; one set per device)

 [stripe on   [compress::[compression_level::]]   stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name    file = file_name]]...

 [stripe on   [compress::[compression_level::]]   stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name    file = file_name]]...

Characteristics of all dump devices

 [with {    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,

 [with {    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,

Compression to a remote server (recommended syntax for compressed dumps)

   compression = compress_level

   compression = compress_level

Volume name for all devices

   dumpvolume = volume_name

   dumpvolume = volume_name

File name for all devices

   file = file_name,

   file = file_name,

Tape handling options

   [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],    retaindays = number_days,    [noinit | init],

   [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],    retaindays = number_days,    [noinit | init],

Password; not available for dump tran or load tran

   passwd = password,

Option to dump only completed transactions; not available for dump database


Option to not truncate log


Message destination

   , notify = {client |       operator_console}}]

   , notify = {client |       operator_console}}]

Table 12-2 shows the syntax for loading a database, applying transactions from the log, and returning information about dump headers and files.

Table 12-2: Syntax for load commands

Information provided

Load database or apply recent transactions

Return header or file information but do not load backup


load {database | transaction}

load {database | transaction}

Database name



Compression to a local file. Supported for compatibility with older scripts and dumps.1

 from [compress::]

 from [compress::]

Dump device



Remote Backup Server

  [at backup_server_name]

  [at backup_server_name]

Tape device characteristics

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,

Volume name

   dumpvolume = volume_name,

   dumpvolume = volume_name,

File name

   file = file_name]

   file = file_name]

Characteristics of additional devices (up to 31 devices; one set per device)

 [stripe on   [compress::]stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name]...

 [stripe on   [compress::]stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name]...

Characteristics of all dump devices

 [with{    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,

 [with{    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,

Compression to a remote server.



Volume name for all devices

   dumpvolume = volume_name,

   dumpvolume = volume_name,

File name for all devices

   file = file_name,

   file = file_name,

Tape handling options

   [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],

   [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],

Password name, not available for load tran

   passwd = password,

   passwd = password,

Lists dump files

   listonly [= full],

Provides header information


Message destination

   notify = {client |       operator_console}]]

   notify = {client |      operator_console}

Loads log up to a specified time in the log; load tran only

   until_time = datetime}]]

   until_time = datetime}]]

1The older compress:: option is supported for backward compatibility. Sybase recommends that you use the compress= option during dump tran or dump database. No corresponding option is required during a load.

Table 12-3 shows the syntax for truncating a log:

Percent dump and load complete

dump and load database display the percentage completed while they run. dump database displays the percentage completed for the database you are dumping and load database displays the percentage loaded for the target database.

NoteThe dump and load transaction commands do not display the percent completed.

For example, if you dump the sybsystemprocs database to a file named pubs2.dump, Adaptive Server displays:

dump database sybsystemprocs to "pubs2.dump"
Backup Server session id is:  13.  Use this value when executing the
'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change
request from the Backup Server.Backup Server: Creating new disk file
Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'pubs20805209785  ' section number 1
mounted on disk file '/linuxkernel_eng3/Pubs/REL1502/ASE-15_0/bin/pubs2.dump'
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 876 kilobytes (46%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 1122 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 1 completed.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 2 completed.
Backup Server: Dump phase number 3 completed.
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 1130 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED.
Backup Server: DUMP is complete (database pubs2).

When you load pubs2.dump into a database, Adaptive Server reports:

load database pubs2 from “pubs2.dump”
Backup Server session id is:  17.  Use this value when executing the
'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change
request from the Backup Server.
Backup Server: Dumpfile name 'pubs20805209785  ' section number 1
mounted on disk file '/linuxkernel_eng3/Pubs/REL1502/ASE-15_0/bin/pubs2.dump'
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 1880 kilobytes (45%) LOADED.
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 4102 kilobytes (100%) LOADED.
Backup Server: Database pubs2: 4110 kilobytes (100%) LOADED.
Backup Server: LOAD is complete (database pubs2).
Started estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'pubs2'.
Database 'pubs2', checkpoint=(1503, 22), first=(1503, 22), last=(1503, 22).
Completed estimating recovery log boundaries for database 'pubs2'.
Started ANALYSIS pass for database 'pubs2'.
Completed ANALYSIS pass for database 'pubs2'.
Started REDO pass for database 'pubs2'. The total number of log records to
process is 1.
Completed REDO pass for database 'pubs2'.
Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online; ASE will not
bring it online automatically.

For dump database, the percentage displayed are estimated according to the total size of the database being dumped. Howeer, for load database, the percentage displayed is estimated according to the total size of the receiving database. For example, if you load a 50 megabyte database dump into a 100 megabyte database, the percentage completed are estimated according to the 100 megabyte database, not the 50 megabyte dump.

The remainder of this chapter provides greater detail about the information specified in dump and load commands and volume change messages. Routine dumps and loads are described first, followed by log dumps after device failure and the special syntax for truncating logs without making a backup copy.

For information about the permissions required to execute the dump and load commands, see “Designating responsibility for backups”.