Upgrading Sybase IQ ETL Development

Follow the procedures in this section to upgrade Sybase IQ ETL Development.

StepsPreparing to upgrade Sybase IQ ETL Development

  1. Check for the process GridNode.exe in the Task Manager.

  2. Make sure that the Show Processes From All Users box is selected.

  3. If you find the GridNode.exe process, end this task.

  4. If using MS Access repositories located in the application directories, copy the database files and make the ODBC Data Source point to the new location.

StepsUpgrading Sybase IQ ETL Development

  1. Install the new version in a different directory.

  2. Copy the .ini files (except for components_*.ini) in the etc directory from the old to the new installation.

  3. Start the new Sybase IQ ETL Development version.

  4. Connect to an existing repository.

  5. Check whether the GridNode is running. (See “Preparing to upgrade Sybase IQ ETL Development”.)

After successful installation: