Upgrading Sybase IQ ETL Server version only

To upgrade Sybase IQ ETL Server to a higher version, you must install the new version in a different directory or uninstall the older version and install the new version.

If you decide to remove the older server directory, take care not to remove the ODBC or native connectivity files. This includes the .odbc.ini file or any ODBC or native drivers.

UNIX and Linux installation

On UNIX or Linux systems, follow these steps:

StepsUpgrading Sybase IQ ETL Server on Linux or UNIX

  1. Install the new ETL server/grid engine in a different directory

  2. Shut down the old GridNode, by entering the following at the command prompt:

    ./GridNode.sh -shutdown
  3. Check that shutdown succeeded:

    ps -e | grep GridNode
  4. If GridNode is still running, kill the process.

  5. Copy the files in the licenses directory from the old to the new installation.

  6. Copy the .ini files in the etc directory from the old to the new installation.

  7. Start the new ETL server/grid engine.

    To start it directly, use


    To start the ETL server as a service, use:

    GridNode.sh -install
  8. Check that startup succeeded:

    ps -e | grep GridNode
  9. If GridNode is running, you may delete the older ETL server by removing its install directory.

Be that sure the .odbc.ini file containing all defined data sources is not in the directory with the older ETL Server. If it is and you plan to delete the older server directory, move the .odbc.ini to a different directory.

Windows installation

WARNING! The following steps do not apply to the ETL Server/grid engine installed with Sybase IQ ETL Development client. See “Upgrading Sybase IQ ETL Development” for information about upgrading the ETL Server/grid engine installed with the ETL development client.

On Windows systems, you may leave the older version of the ETL server/grid engine and install the newer one in a different directory. You must shut down GridNode if it is running as a system service. To end a GridNode process running as a service, open the Windows Task Manager and display the Processes tab. Select the GridNode.exe process or processes, if more than one is running, and click End Process. (Do not use Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.) Make sure that no GridNode is running when you install a new version.

You may uninstall the older ETL server/grid engine using the Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs option and then install the new ETL server/grid engine.