
Character Encoding

Select a character set from the drop-down list and press Enter to confirm.


Specify the type of the input file and press Enter to confirm.


The fields in the file will be separated by a specific character or string.

Fixed (Fixed Line)

The fields and lines in the file are of fixed length. There is no line delimiter.

Fixed (Variable Line)

The fields in the file are of fixed length. The lines are separated by a specific character or string.

Line Delimiter

Either select from the list or enter a value, and then press Enter to confirm.

Line Length

Enter a number that matches the line length for a Fixed (Fixed Line) file and press Enter to confirm.

Column Delimiter

Either select from the list or enter a value, and then press Enter to confirm.

Write Column Names

The column names will be written into the first line of the file. Press Enter to confirm.

Quote characters

If the field values are quoted in the destination text file, provide the respective character. Press Enter to confirm.


Activate this option to append the incoming data to an existing file.


Enter text for a header to be written to the file before writing out the incoming data. Expressions are allowed in Square Bracket Notation.

There is no impact on simulation sequence.

View Projects in DemoDatastore and Help Flash movie Demo Text Data Sink Delimited/Fixed.