DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ component

The DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ component uses the Load Table utility to add records to a Sybase IQ table.

Use this component if you want to add all records from the IN-port of the component to a table in a Sybase IQ database.

StepsTo use this component

  1. Add the component to the project and connect the ports to adjacent components.

  2. Enter the Connection Parameters as described in “Entering database connection parameters”.

  3. Click Destination Table and select the table to be used from the list of available tables.

  4. Click Load Stage and select the file to be used as the temporary data file, or enter a pipe name (syntax: pipe://<name>).

    Note Using named pipes is only supported if both the ETL Server and the target IQ database are running on the Windows operating system. For performance reasons, it is recommended that you run both services on the same machine; however, this is not required.