Optional properties


Activate this option to remove all records from the destination index set when initializing the transformation process.

Load Script

If the Load Script (SQL command performing the bulk load) property is empty, it is generated on execution. To generate the script while designing the project, use the Generate Load Script option of the component pop-up menu. To customize the script, click the property option and modify the script.

Load Stage (Server)

If the Sybase IQ server needs to use a different path to the temporary data file than specified in the Load Stage property, you must enter it here.

NoteYou must leave this field empty if you are using named pipes.

Write Block Size

The Write Block Size defines the number of records to be written to the loading stage in a single-write operation.

Pre-processing SQL

This property defines one or more SQL statements to be executed during initialization of the component.

Post-processing SQL

This property defines one or more SQL statements to be executed when all components finished execution.

See “Entering database connection parameters” for more information on the previous properties and the following properties:

There is no impact on the simulation sequence.

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