DB Data Sink Update component

This component updates records in a destination table based on a selected key. All records matching that key will be updated or overwritten. If no matching record exists, no error messages appear.

Use this component to correct or overwrite records of an existing table but to not insert new records.

Note If the update values violate any restrictions of the underlying table or object (for example: constraints, referential integrity, unique index definition), an error message occurs. The selected Key Value attribute is independent of any existing index definitions.

StepsTo use the DB Data Sink Update component

  1. Add the component to the project and connect the ports to adjacent components.

  2. Enter the Connection Parameters as described in “Entering database connection parameters”

  3. Create a destination table. If the destination table you are going to use already exists, continue with step 5.

  4. Right-click the component and select either Add Destination Table from Input or Add Destination Table from Port. Optionally, the command lets you create the destination table based on the IN-port structure of the component or the structure of any other port within the project. However, you might also create the destination table with your own toolset.

  5. Click Destination Table and select the table to be used from the list of available tables.

  6. Select one or more attributes composing the key. This key will be used to identify the records to be updated in the destination table. This is a logical selection, not related to any underlying indexes in the database schema.