Click Insert Options to open the Insert Options window. By default, all attributes will be inserted. Deselect the attributes you want to exclude from insertion. This is useful if, for example, an attribute is automatically defaulted by the database system. You may specify a SQL INSERT value clause for each attribute, overwriting the incoming value of the selected attribute.
An example of the SQL INSERT value clause is:
'valid' '[uDate("now")]'
Activate this option to remove all records from the destination table when initializing the transformation process.
The Write Block Size defines the number of records to be written to the database in a single write operation.
This property provides one or more SQL statements to be executed during initialization of the component.
This property provides one or more SQL statements to be executed when all components finished execution.
The open quote (“x) character begins attribute names in SQL statements.
The closing quote (x”) ends the attribute names in SQL statements.
If a record to be inserted violates any restrictions
(for example: constraints, referential integrity, unique index definition)
of the underlying table or object, an error message will occur.
Rejected records are written to a log file if you provide the reject
log DB Options. When executing a project from within a job the Continue
on DB Write Errors option can be set to ignore rejection errors.
See “Entering database connection parameters” for more information on the previous properties and the following properties:
Standardize Data Format
Database Options
There is no impact on the simulation sequence.
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