Optional properties

Update options

Click Update Options to open the Update Options window. By default all attributes (key attributes are not listed) are selected. Deselect those attributes you want to exclude from the update. In the SQL UPDATE SET clause column, you can overwrite the value of the incoming attribute with a new one. The new value can be a constant or an expression.

Write Block Size

The Write Block Size defines the number of records to be written to the database in a single write operation.

Pre-processing SQL

This property provides one or more SQL statements to be executed during initialization of the project.

Post-processing SQL

This property provides one or more SQL statements to be executed when all components finished execution.

Opening Attribute Quote

The open quote (“x) character begins the attribute names in SQL statements.

Closing Attribute Quote

The close quote (x”) character ends the attribute names in SQL statements.

See “Entering database connection parameters” for more information on the previous properties and the following properties:

There is no impact on the simulation sequence.

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