Building a migration template

StepsTo build a migration template

  1. Right-click the Templates entry in the Navigator section, and select New | Template from the pop-up menu. The Template Assistant guides you through the necessary steps to build a fully configured migration template.

    To modify an existing template, select Open from the pop-up menu in the Navigator section.

  2. Follow the Template Assistant by first entering the details for the job to be created. The Name value is used for the template object and, further qualified, for the generated transformation objects.

    The currently available Migration Type is DB to IQ.

  3. Provide information about the source database and select the tables to transfer:

  4. Enter database connection properties for the destination database.

    Stage properties — Enter the general part for the Load Stage properties of the DB Bulk Load IQ component into the Stage and Stage Server properties, that is the paths to the staging files ended by the path delimiter (for example C:\ETLStage\) or pipe:// for a named pipe. Refer to “DB Bulk Load Sybase IQ component” for a detailed description of these properties.

  5. Enter transfer settings.

    Additional properties for each table to be transferred are provided.

    1. Select source attributes.

      By default all attributes of a table are selected for transfer. To change the attribute selection, click Columns.

      Deactivate the Transfer check box for every attribute to exclude from transfer, or select multiple attributes and choose Exclude from the pop-up menu.

    2. Select destination tables.

      It is assumed that source and destination table names should be equal. To use different names, you must provide these for each source table by either entering a new name into the Destination field or selecting an existing table from the drop-down list.

    3. Use the Prefix and Extension properties to qualify the file or pipe names. It is not recommended to change the generated names in the Stage and Stage Server columns of the Transfer List.

      There are some additional options that can be switched on or off. To change the value of an option you can either click a single check box or select all lines you want to change and choose Activate or Deactivate from the pop-up menu:

      • Data model options — Before the transfer can start, you must verify that the destination tables exist. These options can help you set up the destination data model. They do not affect execution but they do affect the data model when it is created from the template.

        To create a non-existing destination table based on the selected source attributes, select the Create Table option. If you want a table to be re-created even if it exists, select Drop Table.

      • Execution options — These options affect the execution on project level.

        Select Truncate to remove all records from the destination table before loading. This option corresponds to the Truncate Table property of the target component.

        The failure of a Critical project will cause the job to stop execution and signal failure. This and the Ignore Errors options correspond to the properties of the Multi-Project job component. The Ignore Errors setting does not affect the projects generated through this template.

  6. Process migration template data.

    The last screen in the wizard allows you to perform all desired tasks on the collected data.

    Except for Save, you can perform all tasks from the template pop-up menu in the Navigator section:

  7. Perform selected tasks.

    To finish collecting data and perform the selected tasks, click Finish.

    NotePlease ensure that you selected at least Save template or Build Transformations. Otherwise the collected data will be lost.

    NoteBefore you can execute the generated job, you must register engines or open the job and deactivate the Multi Engine Execution option (see“Using multiple engines to reduce job execution time” for a detailed description).

    While processing the data you can view the current state and progress.