Using multiple engines to reduce job execution time

The GRID architecture reduces the job execution time by using parallel execution of projects on multiple distributed engines.

To make use of this scalability you need to:

Registering GRID engines

Once you have GRID engines installed, you can register a subset or all of them for a special repository. When executing a multi-engine job from that repository all projects contained will be executed on those engines.

To register GRID engines, select the Engine Manager option from the Tools menu. If you have open connections to more than one repository you will be asked to select one of them. The Engine Manager window displays a list of engines that have been previously registered for the selected repository.

The properties of a registered engine are:

You can register a GRID engine manually or you can register multiple engines.

StepsTo manually register a GRID engine

  1. Select Engine | New, or click Insert. The Edit Engine dialog box opens.

  2. Enter the desired values.

  3. Click OK. The new engine is added to the list of engines.

StepsTo register multiple engines

  1. Select Engine | New Engines. The New Engines dialog box opens. For each engine, registration and additional information are shown, as well as the engine’s online state.

  2. Select the engines to register.

  3. Click Add. The new engines are added to the list.

StepsTo modify an engine registration

  1. Select the engine in the list and choose Engine | Edit or click Edit. You can also double-click the engine in the list. The Edit Engine dialog box displays the current values of the registration properties.

  2. Overwrite the current values with new values.

  3. Click OK.

StepsTo delete an engine registration

  1. Select the engine from the Select Engine | Delete menu, or click Delete.