Special JavaScript features

Interrupting execution

From inside the Editor, click the Interrupt button to interrupt a JavaScript execution.

Creating user-defined errors

Using the throw("xx") function, an error can be enforced to interrupt the execution of the project. For example, stop execution if the name of a product (PR_NAME) exceeds the length of 20 characters:

if (uLength(IN.PR_NAME) > 20) (
      throw(“Product name exceeds maximum length”);

Creating user-defined functions

Functions can be defined inside a script and functions can be nested. For example, the following script results in a value 6 for variable b:

var a = 2;
var b = 20;
b = IncA(a);
// end
function IncA (a)
     var b = 3;
     a = IncB(b) + a++;
     return a;
     function IncB(b)
          b = b + 1;
          return b;

Converting datatypes

All variables in the Sybase IQ ETL are represented as strings. This may result in unexpected behavior when working with numeric values. The functions parseInt() and parseFloat() can be used to convert a string to an integer or a float, for example:

var a = "123";
var b = "22";

a > b

will return FALSE while

parseInt(a) > parseInt(b)
returns TRUE.

Including files

Use the uScriptLoad(“filename”) function to include external files into a script. The external file can contain any valid JavaScript constructs, including functions, thus allowing a kind of reusable code, for example:

var a = 11;
var b = 2;
var c = 0;
b = gcd(a, b);
// gcd function defined in C:\scripts\myfunc.js