In Web Forms applications, output from supported PowerScript print functions is published as PDF files on the server side. These PDF files are visible in the client-side Web browser through links in the Web Forms Print Manager, and they can be printed on the client side.
The following system print functions are supported in .NET Web Forms applications: Print, PrintCancel, PrintClose, PrintDefineFontDefine, PrintLine, PrintOpen, PrintOval, PrintPage, PrintRect, PrintRoundRect, PrintSetSpacing, PrintText, PrintWidth, PrintX, PrintY. PrintSetFont is also supported, but its return value is not the same as in a standard PowerBuilder application.
You can use the DataWindow control’s Print method to print a DataWindow object to a PDF file. Application users can open the PDF file in a separate browser instance by selecting the print result in the Print Manager. They can then print the PDF file using the File>Print menu of the browser.
You can also use the SaveAs method to print DataWindows and their data as PDF or XSL files. These files are not visible in the Print Manager. However, you can call the DownloadFile function (in a conditional compilation block) to download these files, or application users can download them from the server using the Web Forms File Manager and then print them from a local browser or Adobe Reader application.
For information on the DownloadFile function, see DownloadFile. For information on the File Manager, see “Using the Web Forms File Manager”.