Setting buffer cache sizes

By default, Sybase IQ sets the size of the main and temporary buffer caches to 16MB and 12MB respectively. Most applications will require much higher values (limited by the total amount of physical memory). See the preceding sections to determine the right settings for your system.

Once you know what settings you need, use the options described in Table 5-2 to set buffer cache sizes. You may also use the options described in Table 5-3 to make more memory available for buffer caches.

Table 5-2: Settings that change buffer cache sizes


When to use it

How long the setting is effective

For more information, see

-iqmc and -iqtc server switches

Recommended method. Sets cache sizes when the database and server are not running. Allows cache sizes >4GB.

Especially useful for 64-bit platforms, or if cache size database options are set larger than your system can accommodate.

From the time the server is started until it is stopped

“Setting buffer cache size server switches”


Set buffer cache sizes up to 4GB. Database must be open to set these values.

This method is not recommended.

From the next time the database is restarted until you reset these options, or override them with server switches

“Database Options” chapter of Sybase IQ Reference Manual

Table 5-3: Settings that affect memory available for buffer caches


When to use it

How long the setting is effective

For more information, see

-iqwmem server switch

Use on some UNIX platforms to provide additional memory for use as buffer caches. They do not actually set the cache sizes.

From the time the server is started until it is stopped

“Platform-specific memory options”

LOAD_MEMORY_MB database option

Indirectly affects buffer cache size, by controlling the memory that can be used for loads. On some platforms, allowing unlimited memory for loads means less memory is available for buffer caches.

Immediately until you reset the option

“Memory for loads, inserts, updates, synchronizations, and deletions”