Command recall in dbisqlc

Let's execute another command.

  1. Type the following:

    SELECT * FROM department
  2. Press F9.

    The contents of the department database table are displayed in the Data window. As you execute commands with dbisqlc, they are saved in a command history.

  3. To recall commands, choose Command > Recall from the menu bar. This activates the command recall window.

  4. The command recall window displays the first line of the last 15 commands executed. Use the cursor up and down keys to scroll through the commands.

  5. Position the cursor on the first command that you executed, which was:

    SELECT *
    FROM employee

    and press the enter key. The cursor returns to the command window with the selected command in it. You can now re-execute that command or modify it to make a new command.

More recall keys

Table 2-7: “dbisqlc recall keys” lists the keys that can also be used to recall previous commands.

Table 2-7: dbisqlc recall keys

Key sequence



Brings up the command recall window


Cycles backwards through previously executed commands. Retrieved commands are placed into the command window


Cycles forward through previously executed commands