32-bit flag. Low-order four hex digits
are generic edit type; high-order four are styles within the type.
A 1 in any bit indicates the corresponding style is checked. A 0
in any bit indicates the corresponding style is unchecked.
Bit 31: Sorted
Bit 30: Allow editing
Bit 29: Auto HScroll
Bit 28: VScroll bar
Bit 27: Always show list
Bit 26: Always show arrow
Bit 25: Uppercase
Bit 24: Lowercase (if bits 25 and 24 are both 0,
then case is Any)
Bit 23: Empty string is NULL
Bit 22: Required field
Bit 21: Not used (set to 0)
Bit 20: Not used (set to 0)
Bits 19 – 16 (1 hex digit): Not used (set
to 0)
Bits 15 – 4 (3 hex digits): Always 0 for
DropDownListBox edit style
Bit 3: Always 0 for DropDownListBox edit style
Bit 2: Always 0 for DropDownListBox edit style
Bit 1: Always 1 for DropDownListBox edit style
Bit 0: Always 0 for DropDownListBox edit style