Building CAB files  Appendix A: Extended Attribute System Tables

Chapter 26: Packaging and Distributing an Application

Distributing the application

When you have created a CAB file, you can distribute it like any other self-extracting executable. The CAB file is a single package that can be downloaded from a Web site or copied using FTP to a user’s desktop.

To install the CAB file, the user must copy it to the Pocket PC device or emulator using Microsoft ActiveSync or the Windows CE Remote File Viewer (cefilevw), then tap on the CAB file on the device.

Creating a setup program

You can make the installation process easier for the user by creating a setup program. Running the setup program on the desktop installs the application to the device or emulator.

You can create installation programs using a free application such as EZSetup. For more information, see the EZSetup download page.

Creating a Windows installer package

You can also build a Windows Installer package (MSI) file that users run on the desktop. The MSI file unpacks CAB files, a setup.ini file, and a custom installer component that distributes and installs the correct CAB file to the device.

For more information and to obtain the latest version of Windows Installer, see Windows Installer in the MSDN Library.

Distributing the PKVM

Any application you distribute needs the PocketBuilder runtime files for Windows CE (the PKVM) installed on the target device or emulator. There are three ways to include these files (listed in Table 26-4) in your distribution:

Distributing database files

For any application that uses a remote database, you must install both the database and a DSN file on the Pocket PC device or emulator. The DSN file can be installed in the root directory of the device, the directory from which the database driver is launched, or the \Windows directory. The database file must be installed in the location given in the DatabaseFile line in the DSN file.

You can edit the INF file generated in the Project painter to include these database files in your application CAB file.

You also need to deploy the database engine itself, which is provided in a CAB file as part of the ASA install. See “Licensing Adaptive Server Anywhere” for licensing information.

For more information about deploying ASA databases, see the chapter on deploying databases and applications in the Adaptive Server Anywhere Programming Guide. The chapter on deploying MobiLink applications in the MobiLink Synchronization User’s Guide provides an overview of the files that need to be distributed with MobiLink servers and clients.

If you need to deploy your application to multiple handheld devices, consider using mobile application deployment software, such as Manage Anywhere Studio from iAnywhere Solutions, to manage the distribution process. For more information, see the Manage Anywhere Studio Web page.

Licensing Adaptive Server Anywhere

Included in PocketBuilder are components from SQL Anywhere Studio (the Adaptive Server Anywhere DBMS, MobiLink and SQL Remote synchronization technologies, and Sybase Central administration tool). These components are licensed for use only with PocketBuilder and only for development purposes. Deployment of these components requires the purchase of separate licenses. Contact your Sybase sales representative for more information.

Also included in PocketBuilder is the Adaptive Server Anywhere for Windows CE royalty-free runtime edition (the “ASA Runtime Edition”). The ASA Runtime Edition is a restricted-functionality version of the standalone version of Adaptive Server Anywhere. For example, the ASA Runtime Edition does not support stored procedures and triggers, transaction log and synchronization.

The ASA Runtime Edition is intended for use as a low-cost deployment option where the full functionality of Adaptive Server Anywhere is not required. Subject to the PocketBuilder Product Specific License Terms, you may deploy the ASA Runtime Edition with applications developed with PocketBuilder without royalties or additional licensing.

For more information, including the list of Redistributable Components of the ASA Runtime Edition, see the Support directory on the PocketBuilder CD.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Appendix A: Extended Attribute System Tables

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