Opening painters  Views in painters that edit objects

Chapter 3: Working with PowerScript Targets

Painter features

Painters that edit objects

Table 3-3 describes the features included in most painters used to edit PocketBuilder objects.

Table 3-3: Common features of PocketBuilder painters



Painter window with views

See “Views in painters that edit objects”.

Unlimited undo/redo

Undo and redo apply to all changes.

Drag-and-drop operations

Most drag-and-drop operations change context or copy objects.

To-Do List support

When you are working in a painter, a linked item you add to the To-Do list can take you to the specific location. See “Using the To-Do List”.

Save needed indicator

When you make a change, PocketBuilder displays an asterisk after the object’s name in the painter’s Title bar to remind you that the object needs to be saved.

Other painters

Most of the painters that are not used to edit PocketBuilder objects have views and some drag-and-drop operations.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Views in painters that edit objects

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