Working in painters  Opening painters

Chapter 3: Working with PowerScript Targets

PocketBuilder painters

Table 3-1 describes the painters available in PocketBuilder.

Table 3-1: Painters in PocketBuilder

Use this painter

To do this

Application painter

Specify application-level properties and scripts.

Database painter

Maintain databases, control user access to databases, manipulate data in databases, and create tables.

DataWindow painter

Build intelligent objects called DataWindow objects that present information from the database.

Function painter

Build global functions to perform processing specific to your application.

Library painter

Manage libraries, create a new library, and build dynamic libraries.

Menu painter

Build menus to be used in windows.

Project painter

Create an executable file for your application, select a build directory, specify a resource file, specify a CAB file for distribution, and select certificates for signing the application and CAB files.

Query painter

Graphically define and save SQL SELECT statements for reuse with DataWindow objects.

SQL Select painter

Graphically define SQL SELECT statements for DataWindow objects. You can open this painter from the Design>Data Source menu of the DataWindow painter.

Structure painter

Define global structures (groups of variables) for use in your application.

User Object painter (visual)

Build custom visual objects that you can save and use repeatedly in your application. A visual user object is a reusable control or set of controls that has a certain behavior.

User Object painter (nonvisual)

Build custom nonvisual objects that you can save and use repeatedly in your application. A nonvisual user object lets you reuse a set of business rules or other processing that acts as a unit but has no visual component.

Window painter

Build the windows that will be used in the application.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Opening painters

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