Using the General page in the graph's Properties view  Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends

Chapter 24: Working with Graphs

Sorting data for series and categories

You can specify how to sort the data for series and categories. By default, the data is sorted in ascending order.

StepsTo specify how to sort the data for series and categories in a graph:

  1. Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the Axis

    page in the Properties view.

  2. Select the axis for which you want to specify sorting.

  3. In the Sort drop-down list, select Ascending (order), Descending (order), or Unsorted.

    The Sort drop-down list is at the bottom of the Axis page in the Properties view for the graph.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends

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