Defining a graph's properties  Sorting data for series and categories

Chapter 24: Working with Graphs

Using the General page in the graph's Properties view

You name a graph and define its basic properties on the General page in the graph's Properties view.

StepsTo specify the basic properties of a graph:

  1. Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the General page in the Properties view

About the model graph in the Design view

As you modify a graph's properties, PocketBuilder updates the model graph shown in the Design view so that you can get an idea of the graph's basic layout:

In Preview view, PocketBuilder displays the graph with data.

Naming a graph

You can modify a graph in scripts during execution. To reference a graph during execution, you use its name.

StepsTo name a graph:

  1. On the General page for the graph, assign a meaningful name to the graph in the Name box

Defining a graph's title

The graph title displays at the top of the graph.

StepsTo specify a graph's title:

  1. On the General page for the graph, enter a title in the Title box

NoteMultiline titles You can force a new line in a title by embedding ~n.

For information about specifying properties for the title text, see “Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends”.

Specifying the type of graph

You can change the graph type at any time in the development environment. (To change the type at runtime, modify a graph's GraphType property.)

StepsTo specify the graph type:

  1. On the General properties page for the graph, select a graph type from the Graph Type drop-down list

Using legends

A legend provides a key to your graph's series.

StepsTo include a legend for a series in a graph:

  1. On the General properties page for the graph, specify where you want the legend to appear by selecting a value in the Legend drop-down list

For information on specifying text properties for the legend, see “Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends”.

Specifying a border

You can specify the border that PocketBuilder places around a graph.

StepsTo specify a border for a graph:

  1. On the General properties page for the graph, select the type of border to use from the Border drop-down list

Specifying point of view in 3D graphs

If you are defining a 3D graph, you can specify the point of view that PocketBuilder uses when displaying the graph.

StepsTo specify a 3D graph's point of view:

  1. On the General properties page for the graph, adjust the point of view along the three dimensions of the graph:

  2. Define the depth of the graph by entering a value in the Depth box.

    The value you enter for the depth is a percentage of the width of the graph. You can use the spin control to set this value.

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