Displaying boundaries for controls in a DataWindow object  Deleting controls in a DataWindow object

Chapter 19: Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects

Using the grid and the ruler in a DataWindow object

The DataWindow painter provides a grid and a ruler to help you align controls. You can select from the options in Table 19-3.

Table 19-3: Grid and ruler options for the DataWindow painter



Snap to Grid

Make controls snap to a grid position when you place them or move them.

Show Grid

Show or hide the grid when the workspace displays.


Specify the size (width) of the grid cells.


Specify the size (height) of the grid cells.

Show Ruler

Show a ruler. The ruler uses the units of measurement specified in the Style dialog box.

See “Changing the DataWindow object style”.

StepsTo use the grid and the ruler:

  1. Select Design>Options from the menu bar.

    The DataWindow Options dialog box displays. The Alignment Grid box contains the alignment grid options.

  2. Select the grid and ruler options that you want.

    Your choices for the grid and the ruler are saved and used the next time you start PocketBuilder.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Deleting controls in a DataWindow object

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