Using the Database painter  Logging your work

Chapter 16: Managing the Database

Modifying database preferences

To modify database preferences, select Design>Options from the menu bar. Some preferences are specific to the database connection; others are specific to the Database painter.

Preferences on the General properties page

The Connect To Default Profile, Shared Database Profiles, Keep Connection Open, Use Extended Attributes, and Read Only preferences are database-connection-specific preferences. For information about modifying these preferences, see the Resource Guide.

The remaining preferences are specific to the Database painter, and are shown in Table 16-4.

Table 16-4: Database painter preferences

Database preference

What PocketBuilder does with the specified preference

Columns in the Table List

When PocketBuilder displays tables graphically, eight table columns display unless you change the number of columns.

SQL Terminator Character

PocketBuilder uses the semicolon as the SQL statement terminator unless you enter a different terminator character in the box.

Refresh Table List

When PocketBuilder first displays a table list, it retrieves the table list from the database and displays it. To save time, PocketBuilder saves this list internally for reuse to avoid regenerating very large table lists. The table list is refreshed every 30 minutes (1800 seconds) unless you specify a different refresh rate.

Preferences on the Object Colors property page

You can set colors separately for each component of the Database painter's graphical table representation: the table header, columns, indexes, primary key, foreign keys, and joins. Set a color preference by selecting a color from a drop-down list.

You can design custom colors for use when you select color preferences. To design custom colors, select Design>Custom Colors from the menu bar and work in the Custom Colors dialog box.

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