About menus and menu items  Building a new menu

Chapter 13: Working with Menus

About the Menu painter

Views in the Menu painter

The Menu painter has several views where you specify menu items and how they look and behave. For general information about views, how you use them, and how they are related, see “Views in painters that edit objects”.

Tree Menu and WYSIWYG Menu views

The default Menu painter layout shows the Tree Menu view in the top left and the WYSIWYG Menu view in the top middle. The WYSIWYG Menu view displays how the menu will look on the desktop, not on the Windows CE device or emulator.

Figure 13-1: Default Menu painter layout

The Tree Menu and WYSIWYG Menu views are where you specify menu items that display in the menu bar and under items in the menu bar.

Table 13-1: Tree and WYSIWYG views in the Menu painter

This view


Tree Menu

All the menu items at the same time when the tree is fully expanded. To fully expand the tree or collapse the expanded tree, press Ctrl+Shift+*.


The menu as it would appear in a desktop application, with the exception of menu items that do not display at runtime if you set their Visible property to false. In the WYSIWYG Menu view, these items diplay in a dithered mode. In applications that you deploy to the Windows CE device or emulator, menu items appear at the bottom of the window, not at the top as in the WYSIWYG view.

You can use either the Tree Menu view or the WYSIWYG Menu view to insert new menu items on the menu bar or on drop-down (cascading) menus, or to modify existing menu items. The menus in both views change when you make a change in either view.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Building a new menu

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