Chapter 13: Working with Menus  About the Menu painter

Chapter 13: Working with Menus

About menus and menu items

The main windows in an application typically have menus. Menus are lists of related commands or options (menu items) that a user can select in the currently active window. Each choice in a menu is called a menu item. Menu items display in a menu bar or in drop-down or cascading menus.

NoteAbout Menu objects Each item in a menu is defined as a Menu object in PocketBuilder. You can see the Menu object in the list of objects in the Browser’s System tab.

Menus you define in PocketBuilder work the same as standard menus in your operating environment. Menus cannot be associated with response windows.

About using menus

You can use menus that you build in PocketBuilder in two ways:

Both uses are described in this chapter.

PocketBuilder gives you freedom to design menus with respect to operating system constraints, but you should still follow conventions that make it easy to use the menus in your deployed applications. For example, you should keep menus simple and consistent, and group related items in a drop-down menu. You should use cascading menus sparingly and restrict them to one or two levels.

NoteSmartphone platforms Windows in applications for Smartphone devices require a menu object with exactly two main menu items. In deployed applications, the first menu item corresponds to the left menu key on the Smartphone, and the second menu item corresponds to the right menu key.

The right menu key typically opens a menu that has submenu items. If a right menu is not needed, it can be left blank, but it still must be included in any menu object that you deploy with your application. If you do not supply a menu object for a window, a nonfunctional menu is automatically assigned to that window.

Pop-up menus are not recommended for use in Smartphone applications.

For more information about designing applications for Smartphone devices, see Appendix D, “Designing Applications for Windows CE Platforms.”

About building menus

When you build a menu, you:

There are two ways to build a menu. You can:

Adding a toolbar with menu functions

You can add a toolbar with picture buttons to deliver the same functionality as an application menu.

For information about the PocketBuilder toolbar control, see Chapter 15, “Working with Native Objects and Controls for Windows CE Devices.”

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. About the Menu painter

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