Working in offline mode  Files available for source control

Chapter 5: Using Source Control

Fine-tuning performance for batched source control requests

PocketBuilder uses an array of object file names that it passes to a source control system in each of its SCC API requests. The SCC specification does not mention an upper limit to the number of files that can be passed in each request, but the default implementation in PocketBuilder limits SCC server requests to batches of 25 objects.

A PK.INI file setting allows you to override the 25-file limit on file names sent to the source control server in a batched request. You can make this change in the Library section of the PK.INI file by adding the following instruction:


where nn is the number of files you want PocketBuilder to include in its SCC API batch calls. Like other settings in the PK.INI file, the SccMaxArraySize parameter is not case sensitive.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Files available for source control

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