Viewing the status of source-controlled objects  Fine-tuning performance for batched source control requests

Chapter 5: Using Source Control

Working in offline mode

Viewing status information offline

You can work offline and still see status information from the last time you were connected to source control. However, you cannot perform any source control operations while you are offline, and you cannot save changes to source-controlled objects that you did not check out from source control before you went offline.

To be able to work offline, you should select the option on the Source Control page of the Workspace Properties dialog box that indicates you sometimes work offline. If you select this option, a dialog box displays each time you open the workspace. The dialog box prompts you to select whether you want to work online or offline.

For more information about setting source control options for your workspace, see “Setting up a connection profile”.

About the PKC file

If you opt to work offline, PocketBuilder looks for a PKC file in the local root directory and imports it if found. The PKC file is a text file that contains status information from the last time a workspace was connected to source control. PocketBuilder creates a PKC file only from a workspace that is connected to source control. Status information is added to the PKC file from expanded object nodes (in the System Tree or in a Library painter view) at the time you exit the workspace.

If a PKC file already exists for a workspace that is connected to source control, PocketBuilder merges status information from the current workspace session with status information already contained in the PKC file. Newer status information for an object replaces older status information for the same object, but older status information is not overwritten for objects in nodes that were not expanded during a subsequent workspace session.

Backing up the PKC file

You can back up the PKC file with current checkout and version information by selecting the Backup SCC Status Cache menu item from the Library painter Entry>Source Control menu, or from the pop-up menu on the current workspace item in the System Tree. The Library painter menu item is only enabled when the current workspace file is selected.

The Backup SCC Status Cache operation copies the entire contents of the refresh status cache to the PKC file in the local project path whether the status cache is dirty or valid. To assure a valid status cache, you can perform a Refresh Status operation on the entire workspace before backing up the SCC status cache.

For information about refreshing the status cache, see “Refreshing the status of objects”.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Fine-tuning performance for batched source control requests

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