How you will proceed

Table 2-1 describes what you will do in each of the tutorial lessons.

Table 2-1: Tutorial lessons and what you will accomplish


What you will do


Start PowerBuilder; begin familiarizing yourself with the development environment; use the Workspace wizard and the Template Application wizard to create an Application object, windows, and menus in a PowerBuilder workspace and target.


Explore the PowerBuilder environment and customize the workspace.


Create a login window to allow the user to enter database connection parameters (user ID and password).


Connect to the database using the Transaction object and user-entry parameters; see how database profiles are defined in the PowerBuilder environment.


Change the base sheet window by adding master and detail DataWindow controls; add scripts to allow users to retrieve data and perform insert, update, and delete operations against the database.


Modify the frame menu and create a new sheet menu for the application.


Build the DataWindow objects that retrieve customer and product information, then add them to the Customer and Product windows.


Run the tutorial application in debug mode; see how to set breakpoints in scripts, step through the code, and display the contents of variables.


Create a new window to test exception handling in PowerBuilder.


Create an executable file that you can use to run the application outside the PowerBuilder development environment.


Create a Web target, create Web pages with hyperlinks and graphics, create a login page using a validation script, and deploy and build the Web pages.


Add Web DataWindows to the existing Web pages. Create the ability for the user to add product information to the data source and view information.


Create a JSP Web target using 4GL and non-4GL pages and calls to a Web service available through the Internet.

If you want to complete only the JSP Web target lessons, you can use the solution provided for the first part of the tutorial as a starting point. The solution is in the Tutorial\Solutions directory.