Required software for PowerBuilder features

Table 1-4 lists the software required for some PowerBuilder features. Most of this software is installed automatically when the feature is installed as part of a Compact or Typical install, or when you select the feature from the Custom/Full install.

Table 1-4: Required software for PowerBuilder features


Required software



Demo database

Code Examples sample application

Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) 9.0.2 or later

NoteThis product should be installed on your computer before you install PowerBuilder.

ASA 9.0.2 is included in the common setup and is installed before PowerBuilder if you select both products.

If the setup program cannot detect ASA 9.0.2 or later on your computer and you have not selected ASA in the common setup, you receive a warning if you select PowerBuilder.

If you choose to continue, the setup program does not install the tutorial or create registry entries for the demo databases. If you want to use these features later, you will need to reinstall PowerBuilder 10.5.

Saving DataWindow® objects as PDF using XSL Formatting Objects (FO) and Java printing

Sun JDK 1.3 or later


Apache FO processor

The Sun JDK 1.4 is installed in the Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\jdk14 directory when you install PowerBuilder.

The Apache FO processor is installed in the Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\fop-0.20.4 directory when you install PowerBuilder.

Saving DataWindow objects as PDF using the GNU Ghostscript distiller and PostScript printing

GNU Ghostscript


PostScript printer driver

See “Installing GNU Ghostscript” for information about obtaining and installing GNU Ghostscript files.

The default PostScript printer driver and related files are installed in Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\drivers. You can also install drivers from other vendors. See “Installing PostScript drivers”.