Running the common setup program

To install PowerBuilder, run the common setup program on the PowerBuilder CD. The common setup program automatically starts the individual setup programs for the products you choose to install.

StepsTo install the PowerBuilder product set:

  1. Exit any programs that are running.

    If you do not, the setup program might not be able to copy some files to the appropriate directories.

  2. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive and run the setup.exe program from the root directory.

    The Sybase PowerBuilder Install wizard starts.

  3. On the Welcome page, click Next to go to the License Agreement page.

    You must select the location where you are installing this software from the drop-down list and accept the terms of the license agreement before you can continue.

  4. On the Customer Information page, enter your name and your company’s name.

  5. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next.

    NoteBack and Next Use the Back and Next buttons to step backward and forward through the wizard to modify specifications as necessary.

  6. On the Choose Destination Location For Shared Files page, click Next to accept the destination path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next. You must use the same folder for shared files for all products in this set.

  7. On the Select Components page, click the components you want to install and click Next to continue.

    Setup warns you if you select PowerBuilder without selecting ASA and ASA is not already installed, and displays a response window that enables you to add ASA to your component list.

    If ASA 9.0.2 or later is not installed on your system, you must select it in the common setup program if you want to do the PowerBuilder tutorial or use the sample applications. When you install PowerBuilder, the setup program creates an ODBC data source for the demo database. If ASA is not installed on your system when you install PowerBuilder, setup does not install the demo database, sample applications, or tutorial files.

  8. Complete the setup program for each individual tool you selected.

    Instructions for using the individual setup programs from the common setup program are provided next. They are presented in the order in which the setup programs run if you select both products.



    Adaptive Server Anywhere

    “Installing Adaptive Server Anywhere”


    “Installing PowerBuilder”

    NoteCancel To interrupt the installation process, use the Cancel button in the wizard. When you click Cancel, you can choose to exit or resume the installation. If you choose to exit, you can exit the current setup program and continue with your other selections, or exit setup completely.