Loading compressed dumps  Specifying tape density, block size, and capacity

Chapter 12: Backing Up and Restoring User Databases

Specifying a remote Backup Server

Use the at backup_server_name clause to send dump and load requests over the network to a Backup Server running on another machine.

Table 12-7 shows the syntax for dumping or loading from a remote Backup Server.

Table 12-7: Dumping to or loading from a remote Backup Server

Backing up a database or log

Loading a database or log

dump {database | tran}   database_name  to [compress::[compression_level::]]    stripe_device

load {database | tran}   database_name  from [compress::]    stripe_device

Remote Backup Server

  [at backup_server_name]

  [at backup_server_name]

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name]  [stripe on   [compress::[compression_level::]]   stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name] ...]  [with{    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    capacity = number_kilobytes,    compression = compress_level,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name,    [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],    passwd = password,    retaindays = number_days,    [noinit | init],    standby_access    [notify = {client |       operator_console}]}]

  [density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name]  [stripe on   [compress::]stripe_device   [at backup_server_name]   [density = density,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name] ...]  [with{    density = density,    blocksize = number_bytes,    compression,    dumpvolume = volume_name,    file = file_name,    [nodismount | dismount],    [nounload | unload],    passwd = password,    [notify = {client |       operator_console}    until_time = datetime}]]

NoteThe compress:: option works only with local archives; you cannot use the backup_server_name option.

Sending dump and load requests over the network is ideal for installations that use a single machine with multiple tape devices for all backups and loads. Operators can be stationed at these machines, ready to service all tape change requests.

The following examples dump to and load from the remote Backup Server REMOTE_BKP_SERVER:

dump database pubs2 to "/dev/nrmt0" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER
load database pubs2 from "/dev/nrmt0" at REMOTE_BKP_SERVER

The backup_server_name must appear in the interfaces file on the computer where Adaptive Server is running, but does not need to appear in the sysservers table. The backup_server_name must be the same in both the local and the remote interfaces file.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Specifying tape density, block size, and capacity

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