Examples of modifying a resource limit  Examples of dropping a resource limit

Chapter 1: Limiting Access to Server Resources

Dropping resource limits

Use sp_drop_resource_limit to drop a resource limit from an Adaptive Server.

The syntax is:

sp_drop_resource_limit {name , appname } [, rangename, limittype, 
	enforced, action, scope]

Specify enough information to uniquely identify the limit. You must specify a non-null value for either name or appname. In addition, specify values according to those shown in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4: Identifying resource limits to drop


Value specified



  • Specified login

Drops limits that apply to the particular login.

  • NULL

Drops limits that apply to all users of a particular application.


  • Specified application

  • NULL

Drops limits that apply to a particular application.

Drops limits that apply to all applications used by the specified login.


  • An existing time range stored in the systimeranges system table

  • NULL

Drops limits that apply to a particular time range.

Drops all resource limits for the specified name, appname, limittype, enforcement time, action, and scope, without regard to rangename.


  • One of the three limit types: row_count, elapsed_time, io_cost

  • NULL

Drops limits that apply to a particular limit type.

Drops all resource limits for the specified name, appname, timerange, action, and scope, without regard to limittype.


  • One of the enforcement times: pre-execution or execution

  • NULL

Drops the limits that apply to the specified enforcement time.

Drops all resource limits for the specified name, appname, limittype, timerange, action, and scope, without regard to enforcement time.


  • One of the four action types: issue warning, abort query batch, abort transaction, kill session

  • NULL

Drops the limits that apply to a particular action type.

Drops all resource limits for the specified name, appname, timerange, limittype, enforcement time, and scope, without regard to action.


  • One of the scope types: query, query batch, transaction

  • NULL

Drops the limits that apply to a particular scope.

Drops all resource limits for the specified name, appname, timerange, limittype, enforcement time, and action, without regard to scope.

When you use sp_droplogin to drop an Adaptive Server login, all resource limits associated with that login are also dropped.

For detailed information, see sp_drop_resource_limit in the Reference Manual.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Examples of dropping a resource limit

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