What is a segment?  Commands and procedures for managing segments

Chapter 8: Creating and Using Segments

System-defined segments

When you first create a database, Adaptive Server creates three segments in the database, as described in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1: System-defined segments




Stores the database’s system tables


Stores the database’s transaction log


Stores all other database objects—unless you create additional segments and store tables or indexes on the new segments by using create table...on segment_name or create index...on segment_name

If you create a database on a single database device, the system, default, and logsegment segments label the same device. If you use the log on clause to place the transaction log on a separate device, the segments resemble those shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1: System-defined segments

Graphic describing a situation where the system and default segments are on a separat device from the log segment.

Although you can add and drop user-defined segments, you cannot drop the default, system, or log segments from a database. A database must have at least one default, system-defined, and log segment.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Commands and procedures for managing segments

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