Database Profile Setup dialog box

Each interface has a Database Profile Setup dialog box where you can set interface-specific connection parameters. Figure 13-2 shows the dialog box for ODBC.

Figure 13-2: The Database Profile Setup dialog box

Shown is the Database Profiles Setup dialog box for an O D B C database connection. The Profile name is A S A Demo. A S A 9 Sample is selected as the data source and the user I D is listed as D B A. Three dots indicate that a password is selected for the connection. The Commit on Disconnect check box is also selected and the isolation level is set to Read Committed

The Database Profile Setup dialog box groups similar connection parameters on each tab page and lets you set their values easily by using check boxes, drop-down lists, and text boxes. Basic (required) connection parameters are on the Connection tab page, and additional connection options, including additional database parameters and SQLCA properties, are on the other tab pages.

As you complete the Database Profile Setup dialog box in PocketBuilder, the correct PowerScript connection syntax for each selected option is generated on the Preview tab. You can copy the syntax you want from the Preview tab into a PocketBuilder application script.