Sorting items

A TreeView can sort items automatically, or you can control sorting manually. Manual sorting can be alphabetic by label text, or you can implement a user-defined sort to define your own criteria. The SortType property controls the way items are sorted. Its values are of the enumerated datatype grSortType.

Automatic alphabetic sorting To enable sorting by the text label, set the SortType property to Ascending! or Descending!. Inserted items are sorted automatically.

Manual alphabetic sorting For more control over sorting, you can set SortType to Unsorted! and sort by calling the functions in Table 6-8.

Table 6-8: TreeView sorting functions

Use this function

To do this


Insert an item at the correct alphabetic position, if possible


Sort the immediate children of an item


Sort the whole branch below an item

If users will drag items to organize the list, you should disable sorting.

Sorting by other criteria To sort items by criteria other than their labels, implement a user-defined sort by setting the SortType property to UserDefinedSort! and writing a script for the Sort event. The script specifies how to sort items.

PocketBuilder triggers the Sort event for each pair of items it tries to reorder. The Sort script returns a value reporting which item is greater than the other. The script can have different rules for sorting, based on the type of item. For example, level 2 items can be sorted differently from level 3. The TreeView is sorted whenever you insert an item.

Example of Sort event

This sample script for the Sort event sorts the first level by the value of the Data property and other levels alphabetically by their labels. The first level displays composers chronologically, and the Data property contains an integer identifying a composer’s century:

//Return values
//-1   Handle1 is less than handle2 
// 0   Handle1 is equal to handle2 
// 1   Handle1 is greater than handle2

TreeViewItem tvi1, tvi2

This.GetItem(handle1, tvi1) 
This.GetItem(handle2, tvi2) 

IF tvi1.Level = 1 THEN 
   // Compare century values stored in Data property
   IF > tvi2.Data THEN
      RETURN 1
   ELSEIF = tvi2.Data THEN
      RETURN 0
      RETURN -1
   // Sort other levels in alpha order
   IF tvi1.Label > tvi2.Label THEN
      RETURN 1
   ELSEIF tvi1.Label = tvi2.Label THEN
      RETURN 0
      RETURN -1