Working with PocketBuilder synchronization objects

When you run the MobiLink Synchronization for ASA or the UltraLite Synchronization wizard from the Database page in the New dialog box, the wizard generates objects that let you initiate and control MobiLink synchronization requests from a PocketBuilder application. These objects let you obtain feedback during the synchronization process, code PowerScript events at specific points during synchronization, and cancel the process programmatically.

To get started, create a new workspace and a target application. You do not need to create a SQL database connection, but you do need to create a project.

Using SalesDB as a sample remote SQL Anywhere database

Before you use the MobiLink Synchronization for ASA wizard to generate objects for an application, you need to set up a remote database and add at least one publication, user, and subscription to it, and create a PocketBuilder database profile for the remote database. To test the synchronization objects on the Pocket PC device and emulator, you need to set up a consolidated database.

You can create your own databases, as described in “Preparing consolidated databases” and “Creating remote databases”, or use the databases provided for the SalesDB sample application.

You can set up the SalesDB consolidated and remote databases using the MakeDB.cmd file located in the Code Examples\SalesDB\db directory in your PocketBuilder installation. The remote database already has a publication (salesapi), user (tutorial), and subscription.

Instructions for running the command file and setting up a database profile are in the SalesDB.html file in the SalesDB directory. There is also a tutorial version of the application in the Tutorial directory.